About Julie Gould
Being a documentary photographer comes naturally.
Bright Eyes Photos
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Being a documentary photographer comes naturally.
In college one of my majors was Communications with a focus in Photojournalism. I learned the art of visual storytelling that became a natural habit. After earning a master’s in urban planning, I moved from my home in the Bay Area of California to work for my Congressman in Washington, DC. In DC, I pursued a career in housing and community development. My camera was always with me to document urban and rural communities I worked at: the Pine Ridge and Navaho Nations, New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to name a few.
In 2015, I took the opportunity to leave the business world and re-focus on my photography! I started Bright Eyes Photos which unites my twin passions of photojournalism and love of the animals we adore. I specialize in pet photography because my own dogs have brought me so much joy throughout my life and I’m drawn to documenting that joy for others.
My journalistic style means that the images I take of your pets will highlight the bond between dogs and cats and their people. With my camera’s high-speed motor drive, I will click fast enough to capture all the licks, thrills, and silly moments. Your pet photography session with me is a time for you and your pet to just be your authentic selves and have fun: chasing balls, enthusiastically licking faces, and rolling in the grass. Peanut butter on your pup’s nose? Let’s do it!
My first Sheltie, Mickey, looked at people with big, brown, bright eyes. He was a habitual smiler and my number one cheerleader. He kept me company on runs, and slowed our walks down to a snail’s pace to smell anything and everything. I have 14 years of memories with Mickey but not nearly enough quality photos of him that capture his spirit, spunkiness, and perfectly cocky attitude.
That longing for more photographs–of our trips to the park, the lake, the trails and the cherry blossoms–inspired me to become a professional pet photographer.
Let’s capture your memories and the spirit of your animal companion now, before the opportunity slips away.
Molly, a three-legged pitbull, rescued in Baltimore, celebrated in The Petco Foundation’s “Be a Lifesaver” campaign.
To help make animals more adoptable with professional photos, I volunteer for local animal rescue groups like the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA.org) and Lucky Dog (luckydoganimalresue.org). On assignment for The Petco Foundation, my images of Molly, a three-legged pit bull rescued by an Amtrak policer officer who adopted her, were the centerpiece of Petco’s “Be a Lifesaver” national campaign.
I’m working with the national nonprofit My Dog is My Home to document best practices of housing organizations that provide shelter and permanent supportive housing for the ‘whole family’ of the homeless and their pets. I believe that no one should be refused a roof over their head because they have a furry companion.
“Julie is a fantastic pet photographer, just as she has been superlative in everything I've ever known her to undertake. She came 100% prepared with clever ways to hold the attention of our puppy. She managed to find the "Bright Eyes" of our all black dog, no mean feat! I enthusiastically recommend Julie for your pet photography.”
– Jim Gray
🐶 My Shelties
🐕 Road Trips, especially the Alaskan Highway
🐶 Cyling across Italy (with frequent cappuccino and gelato stops!)
🐕 St. John beaches snorkeling for sea turtles
🐶 Hiking Sugarloaf Mountain with my dogs
🐕 Cracking crabs with corn on the cob in summer
🐶 BBQing Beer Can Chicken
🐕 Sitting on the porch drinking a rum & coke with lime
🐶 Springtime cherry blossoms
🐕 Walking the Portuguese Route of the Camino de Santiago